Meet the faces behind the code


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DevCon aims to be a by-the-community for-the-community software development conference. The goal is to have a yearly event, supported by carefully picked companies that care for the quality of our craft and staying up-to-date with new web and mobile technologies, languages, patterns and libraries. DevCon is accessible to everyone, focusing on in-depth talks, held by proven professionals from domestic and international IT communities. A conference with an accepting environment that provides space for making friends instead of recruitment, marketing or sales event. A place in which you can learn and meet like-minded folks that love what they do. Everyone likes being around like-minded people!

6 editions

4 in Skopje and 2 in Prishtina


1200 + attendees

From all around Europe


35 presentations

... and 1050 minutes of code talks



Meet the faces behind the code that hit the stage at DevCon | Skopje 2024!

Tasko Pavlov Web Photo

Tashko Pavlov

Data Еngineer, Kin + Carta Skopje

Nina And Iva (1)

Nina Hadji Kotarova & Iva Stankovska

QA Automation Engineer | UI/UX Designer, Kin + Carta Skopje

Ben G. Web Photo

Ben Galloway

Lead Web Engineer at Kin + Carta UK

Antonio Nedanovski Web Photo

Antonio Nedanoski

DevOps Team Lead at

Eroll Gorci Web Photo

Eroll Gorci

Java Tech Lead, Kin + Carta Prishtina

Marjan J. Web Photos

Marjan Jovanovski

Project Manager

Past Events

Check out highlights and talk recordings of all past DevCon events.

DevCon | Skopje 2024

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DevCon | Prishtina 2024

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DevCon | Skopje 2023

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DevCon | Prishtina 2022

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DevCon | Skopje 2022

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DevCon | Skopje 2019

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